How to Indent on Google Docs: First-line indents, hanging indents, and more

Indentation (in writing) helps improve documents in various ways, such as:

  1. Paper structure
  2. Continuity of topic or thought process
  3. Differentiate references from the paper’s body text and ;
  4. Overall readability

As a prominent software for creating documents online, it’s only natural for Google Docs to feature multiple ways of indenting lines.

In this quick read, we’ll show you how to create:

  1. First line Indents
  2. Hanging Indents / Reserve Indents
  3. Right Indents
  4. Left Indents
  5. Ordered List Indents (Numbers & letters list)
  6. Unordered List Indents (Bullet points)

Why Indenting is Important in Google Docs

Introducing indents to a Google Doc can seem like a small detail, but it can make a significant impact on the overall organization and readability of your document.

Depending on the type of document you’re creating, the improvements mentioned above may be relevant to you or not, and on varying degrees.

For example, research papers with reference materials will find more use for #3 mentioned above by using hanging indents.

Utilizing indents for your Google Docs will help create a more streamlined and professional-looking document. Breaking up large chunks of text and creating clear sections with indents will help readers navigate through your work with ease.

How to Make a First Line Indent in Google Docs

A first line indent will, as stated in the name, intend the first line of a paragraph of your choosing.

Creating a first line indent is as simple as pressing the Tab key on your keyboard. To get started, click on the space where you want the indent to be, and press Tab.

Pressing “Tab” twice will not increase the first line’s indent, and instead, will increase the indent of the entire paragraph.

First line indents are commonly used for:

  • Indicates the start of a new paragraph
  • Segregates topics or thought processes from multiple paragraphs

How to adjust Indentation length for First line Indents

If you want to indent the first line of your paragraph with a specific length in mind, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click anywhere on the paragraph you wish to first line indent
  2. Click Format on the toolbar
  3. Choose Align & indent
  4. Choose Indentation options
  5. Under Special indent, choose First line from the drop-down menu
  6. Type in your desired length (length is based on Google Docs ruler)

How to Increase / Decrease Indents of Entire Paragraphs

Adjust your indentations of a whole paragraph by using the increase/decrease indent options located at the toolbar.

To do this, simply go to Format > Align & indent > Increase Indent or Decrease Indent. Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts. For Mac, use cmd+] to increase indent and cmd+[ to decrease indent. For Windows, use ctrl+] to increase indent and ctrl+[ to decrease indent. Using a shortcut will help you create indents more quickly.

The Increase/Decrease Indent shortcut is a convenient tool that can be used to adjust the indentation of any paragraph or document, depending on the selected body of text.

Increase or Decreasing indents are commonly used for:

  • Segregating / emphasizing paragraphs from other paragraphs
  • Following document standards

How to Indent Using the Google Docs Ruler on PC

The ruler in Google Docs provides a convenient way to adjust margins and indents.

Before we start indenting, let’s first understand the movable markers located within the ruler. There are three markers you can move around with your cursor, the first line indent marker (blue rectangle), the left indent marker (blue triangle on the left), and the right indent marker (blue triangle on the right).

As the names imply, dragging each marker will adjust the indent size of the first line, entire left margin, and entire right margin of the selected paragraph.

If you don’t see the ruler, simply follow these steps:

  1. On the toolbar, click View
  2. There will be a Show ruler option. Make sure it’s ticked with a ✓ to show the ruler

How to Make a Hanging Indent in Google Docs

Creating a Hanging Indent (also known as Reverse Indent) in Google Docs can be achieved using the ruler or the Format tab in the toolbar. A Hanging Indent is when you create a space on the left side of the second line and below.

To create a hanging indent using the ruler:

  1. Select the paragraph/s you wish to indent
  2. Drag the left indent marker to where you want the paragraph (minus the first line) to start
  3. Once indented, drag the first line marker back to the original margin or where you want it to be

To create a hanging indent using the Format tab:

  1. Select the paragraph/s you wish to indent
  2. Click Format from the toolbar
  3. Choose Align & indent
  4. Choose Indentation options
  5. Under Special indent, choose Hanging from the drop-down menu
  6. Type in your desired length (length is based on Google Docs ruler)

Hanging indents are commonly used for:

  • Reference materials
  • Bibliographies
  • Other citations

How to adjust Indentation length for Hanging Indents

If you want to indent your paragraph (minus the first line) with a specific length in mind, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click anywhere on the paragraph you wish to first line indent
  2. Click Format on the toolbar
  3. Choose Align & indent
  4. Choose Indentation options
  5. Under Special indent, choose Hanging from the drop-down menu
  6. Type in your desired length (length is based on Google Docs ruler)


How to Indent Citations in Google Docs

For citations, it’s standard to use Hanging Indents.

To apply hanging indents for citations in Google Docs, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight your citations (you can create hanging indents on multiple paragraphs at once)
  2. Click Format from the toolbar
  3. Choose Align & indent
  4. Choose Indentation options
  5. Under Special indent, choose Hanging from the drop-down menu
  6. Type in your desired length (length is based on Google Docs ruler)

Indenting citations in Google Docs not only makes them easier to read but also helps your paper conform to common citation practices.

Properly formatted citations make a substantial difference in creating well-structured documents, whether for academic or professional purposes.

How to Indent Entire Paragraphs on Google Docs on Mobile (iPad, iPhone and Android)

You can also indent paragraphs on the Google Docs app for iPad, iPhone, or Android devices. You can do this by following the steps below:

  1. On your Google Docs app, open the document and click the Edit button on the lower right corner
  2. Then, select the paragraphs you wish to indent
  3. Click on the “A” icon on the top-right corner of the screen
  4. Slide over to the paragraph section
  5. Select either the Increase indent or Decrease indent icon

How to Make First Line and Hanging Indents on Google Docs on Mobile

Unfortunately, it is not possible to create First line or Hanging Indents on the mobile version of Google Docs. With the mobile app’s limitation, you can only adjust the indents of entire paragraphs.

However, there is a saving grace for first line indents. Although not a direct solution, you can create the illusion of having this type of indent by adding a certain number of spaces to the first line of the paragraph.

Although different depending on the format / citation styles (Chicago, APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.) the standard for a first line indent would be around 5 spaces or 0.5 inch. So if you do not have access to a PC at the moment, you can make due to this alternative. Just make sure to jot it down for later to properly indent using a PC.

How to Reverse Indent in Google Docs

Reverse indentation, also known as Hanging indentation, can be done in Google Docs using the following methods:

  1. Ruler method
  2. Format method

For more detailed instructions, scroll up to the Hanging Indent guide.

How to Make Numbered and Bulleted Indents

To create indents for ordered lists (lists via numbers and letters) and unordered lists (bullet points), you can use the Tab method.

To indent ordered and unordered lists, follow these steps:

  1. Select the number, letter or bullet point you wish to indent
  2. Press the Tab key
  3. Click the delete or backspace button to reserve the process


In conclusion, creating indents on Google Docs is a fairly simple process, using either the Tab key, Ruler, or the Format option on the Google Docs toolbar.

While being a versatile and multi-functional tool, the Google Docs app for iPad, iPhone, and Android devices can be a but limiting with its indentation features. You can indent entire paragraphs on the Google Docs app, but you cannot create hanging indents.

And while technically you cannot create first line indents on the Google app, you can still apply the workaround by adding 5 spaces for the first line of your intended paragraph.

With these methods, you’ll be able to format your document like a pro!

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