How to Copy a Folder in Google Drive

Copying a folder in Google Drive is a common task that can sometimes be confusing. This guide simplifies the process, showing you how to efficiently duplicate folders in Google Drive on both PC and mobile devices.

How to Copy a Folder in Google Drive on PC

  1. Open Google Drive and Sign In: Visit the Google Drive website and log into your account.
  2. Locate the Folder: Find the folder you wish to copy.
  3. Enter the Folder and Select All Files: Open the folder and select all the files inside (use Ctrl + A for quick selection).
  4. Make a Copy of the Files: Right-click on the selected files and choose ‘Make a copy’.
  5. Create a New Folder: In your Google Drive, create a new folder where you want the copies to reside.
  6. Move the Copied Files: Select the copied files, right-click, and choose ‘Move to’ to place them in the new folder.

How to Copy a Folder in Google Drive on Mobile

  1. Open the Google Drive App: Launch the Google Drive app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on the Folder: Find and tap on the folder you want to copy.
  3. Select Each File Inside the Folder: Manually select each file within the folder.
  4. Make a Copy of the Files: Tap on the three dots (menu) and choose ‘Make a copy’ for each selected file.
  5. Create a New Folder: Make a new folder in your Google Drive.
  6. Move the Copied Files: Move the copied files into the newly created folder.


Q: Can I copy a folder in Google Drive with the same sharing settings? A: No, when you copy a folder, the sharing settings do not get copied. You will need to set sharing permissions for the new folder separately.

Q: Is there a limit to the size of the folder I can copy in Google Drive? A: The limit depends on your Google Drive storage capacity. Ensure you have enough space for the copied files.

Q: Can I automate the folder copying process in Google Drive? A: While Google Drive doesn’t offer a direct way to automate this, third-party tools and scripts can be used for automation.

Q: Does copying a folder in Google Drive take up more storage space? A: Yes, since you are creating duplicates of the files, it will consume additional storage space.

Q: Can I copy a folder from my Google Drive to someone else’s drive? A: You can share the folder with them, and they can then make a copy in their own drive.

Meta Title: How to Easily Copy Folders in Google Drive – Step-by-Step Guide

Meta Description: Learn the simple steps to copy a folder in Google Drive on both PC and mobile. Our guide includes tips for efficient file management and FAQs.

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