How to Seamlessly Connect High Level with Shopify: A Comprehensive Guide

Want to integrate High Level with Shopify? You’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to successfully connect High Level to Shopify API and Shopify forms. This straightforward, step-by-step guide is packed with valuable insights to help you streamline your business operations.

Why Integrate High Level with Shopify?

Integrating High Level with Shopify offers a plethora of benefits for both platforms. High Level’s CRM functionality enhances lead tracking and management, while Shopify’s robust e-commerce features allow for a seamless customer journey. Together, they create a powerful solution that saves you time and boosts sales.

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Photo by Roberto Cortese on Unsplash

Creating a Custom App in Shopify

  1. Log in to Shopify: Access your Shopify admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Apps: Go to the ‘Apps’ section and click on ‘Develop apps’.
  3. Enable Custom App Development: Click on ‘Allow custom app development’.
  4. Create an App: Fill in the necessary details and click on ‘Create an app’.
  5. Configure Admin API: Enable at least “read_orders” and “read_products” access.
  6. Install the App: Click on ‘Install app’ to finalize the setup.

Connecting Shopify to High Level

  1. Access High Level: Log into your High Level account.
  2. Go to Settings: Navigate to Settings > Integrations.
  3. Connect to Shopify: Click on ‘Connect’ under Shopify and enter your Shopify API credentials.
  4. Test the Connection: Ensure that the setup is correct before proceeding.

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Photo by Roberto Cortese on Unsplash

Setting Up Shopify Forms with High Level

  1. Access Shopify Admin: Log into your Shopify admin dashboard and navigate to the form you want to integrate.
  2. Form Settings: Make sure your form is set up to capture the necessary customer information like email, name, etc.
  3. High Level API Key: Log into your High Level account and navigate to Settings > API to generate an API key.
  4. Webhook Configuration: In Shopify, go to Settings > Notifications > Webhooks. Create a new webhook that triggers when a form is submitted. Use the High Level API key for authentication.
  5. Data Mapping: Map the form fields in Shopify to the corresponding fields in High Level. This usually involves specifying which Shopify form field corresponds to which High Level field (e.g., Shopify’s “Email” field maps to High Level’s “Email” field).
  6. Test the Integration: Submit a test form on Shopify and check if the data appears correctly in High Level.

Benefits of Integration

  • Centralized Data Management: All your customer data is in one place.
  • Enhanced Customer Journey: Personalize your marketing campaigns.
  • Efficient Inventory Management: Keep track of your products effortlessly.
  • Automated Workflows: Streamline your business operations.

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Photo by Roberto Cortese on Unsplash


Connecting High Level with Shopify has never been easier. With this guide, you can set up a streamlined, efficient system that takes your e-commerce business to new heights. So why wait? Integrate today and watch your sales soar!

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