How To Undo A Repost On TikTok

Quick Steps to Undo a Repost on TikTok

To undo a repost on TikTok, simply go to your profile, find the reposted video, tap the share arrow, and select ‘remove repost’. This allows you to manage your TikTok feed and keep it aligned with your current preferences.

Why Repost on TikTok?

Reposting on TikTok is a way to share content you love with your followers. It’s a great tool for supporting other creators and diversifying your feed. But if you ever change your mind, TikTok makes it easy to reverse your repost.

Keeping Your TikTok Feed Fresh

For those who love to keep track of their TikTok activity, there are third-party tools available to monitor reposts and engagement, helping you tailor your content strategy effectively.


Can I Unrepost a video on TikTok?

Yes, by selecting ‘remove repost’ from the share menu on the video.

How do you see what you’ve reposted on TikTok?

Reposted videos are visible on your profile page, marked with a share arrow icon.

How do I delete a post on TikTok?

Go to the video on your profile, tap the three dots, and select ‘Delete.’

Can you delete a TikTok then repost it?

Yes, but reposting will reset the original post’s engagement.

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