How to Void a Check in QuickBooks


Managing financial records is a crucial aspect of any business. QuickBooks is a widely-used accounting software that helps businesses keep track of their financial transactions, including checks. But what do you do when you need to void a check in QuickBooks? This guide will walk you through the steps to void a check in both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop.

Why Would You Need to Void a Check?

There are several reasons why you might need to void a check in QuickBooks:

  • The check was issued to the wrong person
  • The check is lost or stolen
  • Incorrect details were entered, such as the amount or date
  • There are duplicate checks

â €Voiding a check in QuickBooks ensures that your financial records remain accurate. It changes the check amount to zero while keeping a record of the transaction for future reference.

How to Void a Check in QuickBooks Online

Step 1: Navigate to the Check Screen
First, go to the Banking or Bank Accounts section in QuickBooks Online.
Step 2: Find the Check on the Check Register
Select the check you want to void from the Check Register.
Step 3: Click on Edit
Once you’ve selected the check, click on the Edit button.
Step 4: Void the Check
Click on More and then select Void. A warning will pop up; click Yes to proceed.
Step 5: Reissue the Check (If Required)
If you need to issue a new check, you can do so at this point.
For more details, you can visit Golden Apple Agency’s guide on voiding checks in QuickBooks Online.

How to Void a Check in QuickBooks Desktop

Step 1: Navigate to the Check Register
Go to the Banking menu and then click on “Use Register.” Select the account from which the check was issued.
Step 2: Select the Check
Click on the check number or entry you want to void.
Step 3: Void the Check
Click on “Edit,” then select “Void Check” from the Menu Bar.
Step 4: Confirm the Action
A message box may appear with further instructions. Read and respond accordingly to complete the voiding process.
For a more visual guide, you can watch this video tutorial.

Special Cases: Handling Unrecorded Original Checks

If the original check was never recorded in QuickBooks, you can still enter it as a voided check to ensure the correct check number is not used again. To do this, click on the Gear icon, go to ‘Other,’ and then click on the ‘Banking’ menu. Select the bank account used for issuing the check and enter the check details with a note stating “Voided check” and an amount of $0.00.


How do I void a check in QuickBooks desktop?
To void a check in QuickBooks Desktop, navigate to the check register, select the check, click on “Edit,” and then choose “Void Check” from the Menu Bar.
Is it better to void or delete a check in QuickBooks?
Voiding a check changes its amount to zero but keeps a record of the transaction. Deleting a check removes it entirely from your records. It’s generally better to void a check for accurate record-keeping.
How do I void a payment in QuickBooks?
The process for voiding a payment is similar to voiding a check. Navigate to the payment transaction, click on “Edit,” and then choose “Void.”
Why do I need to void a check in QuickBooks?
Voiding a check is essential for maintaining accurate financial records. It’s necessary when a check is lost, stolen, or contains incorrect details.


Voiding a check in QuickBooks is a straightforward process that ensures your financial records are accurate. Whether you’re using QuickBooks Online or Desktop, the steps are simple and easy to follow. For any further queries, you can reach out to QuickBooks Online Support.

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